about buzgro

Helping Businesses Like Yours Succeed Every Day

We’re passionate about helping businesses grow.

Learn more about our mission, values, and the team that’s here to support you at every step of your journey.


At Buzgro, we believe every business, no matter its size, deserves access to the tools and strategies that drive success.

That’s why we work with you to create a bespoke strategy, tailored to your unique goals and resources.

Whether you’re focused on increasing profits, strengthening your marketing, improving efficiency, or enhancing customer experience, we’ll help you implement meaningful changes that make a real impact.

And if cutting-edge solutions, like AI, are part of the plan, we’ll ensure they’re integrated in a way that works seamlessly for you and your business.

our values

Clear and Easy

We prioritize clarity and simplicity in everything we do, breaking down complex strategies into actionable, easy-to-understand steps. We make it simple for businesses to achieve their goals with confidence.

Tailored to You

Every business is different, which is why we craft strategies that are tailored to your specific needs and goals. Together, we’ll create a plan that works for you—every step of the way.

Smarter Solutions

We embrace modern tools and approaches—like AI and emerging technologies—but always in a way that’s practical, approachable, and customized to fit your business. Innovation isn’t just for the big players.

Real Results, Real Change

From boosting profits to improving efficiency, we ensure the changes we make lead to real improvements for your business.

meet our founders


Lead Marketer

Kelly excels in strategic marketing planning and content. She has successfully led multiple client rebrands and developed impactful long-term content strategies. Her innovative approach ensures clients receive top-notch marketing solutions that improve brand visibility.

Mark hodgkinson

Lead Strategist

Mark is a seasoned business strategist. He holds three degrees in economics and business, and has worked with clients across all sectors. Specifically Mark develops successful business strategies to drive sales growth, increase profit, enhance customer advocacy and operational efficiency.

ready to take your business to the next level?

Achieve more - book your free consultation now



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